Unapologetic Thought: Student Mental Health and Wellness

Why is providing student mental health services critical to student success? Mental health issues are growing at an alarming rate on college campuses across the nation. This issue is especially important for Black college students who have a higher risk of facing...

Unapologetic Leadership Thought: Student Homelessness

As we enter the new year, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as president of Compton College and Chief Executive Officer of Compton Community College District for over 13 years. I truly appreciate everyone who has influenced me as a person and as a...

Unapologetic Leadership Thoughts: Let’s Talk About Data

The past couple of weeks, I have been so busy and been holding so many of my thoughts to myself. I’m still busy, but I really needed to get this thought out.  Let’s talk about data. As I reflect on how we utilized data, I think back to when Compton College hired our...